Concept The Art of Living TV Program
Program Title: CONCEPT
Subtitle: The art of Living
Duration: 30 min
Presenter: NELLY AGGELOPOULOU Archtect
Supervising Editor: LINA TSIREKA Journalist

CONCEPT is a show that presents, in its way, the newest and most innovative things about the modern lifestyle, influences, revivals, trends, and proposals combined with quality in our lives.
The show presents the people who shape the aesthetics and trends of each era, interior designers, architects, and visual artists, who take us on a tour of residences and professional spaces that are of particular interest, not only from the point of view of the materials, but also from the ecological approach and the particular design of the architects.
We will make proposals for high-quality decoration with visits to creators, exhibitions of materials and products, as well as internationally famous designers.
Special columns on the show will soon present tips or innovations to improve our daily lives at home or work.