On Development Status
Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
Το Φαινόμενο
Ο Μίκης Θεοδωράκης είναι μια μοναδική περίπτωση που είναι ταυτόχρονα μια μουσική ιδιοφυΐα, ένας συγγραφέας υψηλού επιπέδου, μια επαναστατική προσωπικότητα παγκόσμιας εμβέλειας, ένας πατριώτης με παγκόσμια ακτινοβολία και ένας ειρηνιστής τεράστιου διαμετρήματος.
Παναγιώτης Δόϊκος Καθηγητής Φιλοσοφίας στο Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Σειρά 6 Ντοκυμαντέρ
Η αποστολή
Η λέξη «Φαινόμενο» που επιλέχθηκε για να υπογραμμίσει την αριστεία και το ανεξιχνίαστο μουσικό ταλέντο του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη, δεν χαρακτηρίστηκε τυχαία.
Για τον Μίκη Θεοδωράκη τη βαθιά φιλοσοφική γραμμή σκέψης και δημιουργικότητας, τοποθετήστε τον στο πάνθεον ενός από τους μεγαλύτερους εγκέφαλους της εποχής μας.
Οι παραγωγοί αυτών των σειρών δεν δεσμεύονται μόνο για την παραγωγή ενός ντοκιμαντέρ που θα αναδεικνύει τα λαμπρά μουσικά έργα του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη.
Δεσμεύονται επίσης να αποκαλύψουν τα ενδότερα συναισθήματα του Μίκη Θεοδωράκη που διερευνούν το φιλοσοφικό του μυαλό και αποκαλύπτουν στοιχειωμένες σκέψεις και αναμνήσεις που ενέπνευσαν τον καλλιτέχνη να γράψει την καινοτόμο μουσική που συγκινεί την ψυχή που έχει συνθέσει.
The two notes of “Zorba’s Dance” from the Oscar-winning film “Zorba the Greek” are two of the most recognizable musical notes in the world granting Mikis Theodorakis… immortality
Guy Wagner Mikis Theodorakis biographer
Zorba The Greek – Original
Επεισόδιο 1
Συμπαντική Αρμονία
Universal Harmony
In the first episode the producers are confronted with the challenge of evaluating Mikis Theodorakis’ theorem “Music and Universal Harmony”, in which the artist voices the opinion that the universe is not only what we visually perceive but, like a living body, the universe has a “pulse”. A pounding “heartbeat” pulsating harmoniously in rhythm with the rest of the celestial bodies in the cosmos. A heartbeat anyone can draw inspiration from in order to enhance his or her creative talent.
It is this transcendental belief that motivated Mikis Theodorakis to immerse into the owe inspiring enigmas of the universe in quest of inspiration. A spiritual
journey that propelled him to compose some of the most memorable musical works of our time.
Numerous orchestral pieces of Mikis Theodorakis’ celestial music will encompass each and every second of the first episode. Shedding light into the reality, that in composing his mesmerizing music, Mikis Theodorakis drew inspiration from the heavens.
Production Timeline
October 2022 – June 2023
January 2023 – May 2023
Production Shooting
Post Production
July 2023 – February 2024
April 2024
Επεισόδιο 2
Μουσική Ιδιοφυία
Musical Genius
Mikis Theodorakis is undoubtedly one of the most prolific, productive and creative composers of the twentieth century. His symphonic works, chamber music, cantatas and oratorios, hymns, operas, ballets, music for the stage, film scores and over 1,000 popular songs, grant him the right to be equated with some of the greatest musical geniuses of all time.
In this episode, Mikis Theodorakis’ most memorable musical works will be unveiled. Revealing for the first time “behind the scenes” footage, filmed by the artist’s lifelong friend and close associate, Giorgos Logothetis. In this, never seen before footage, Mikis Theodorakis will share his innermost thoughts about his struggle to unify his civil war torn country through his music, poetry and textual commentaries. Tormenting feelings of despair, anguish and sorrow that overwhelmed the artist and inspired him to compose works in the likes of «Axion Esti»… «Romiosini»… «Epitafio»… and mostly «The Ballad of the Dead Brother», a contemporary opera, which the artist considers to be his most notable opus.
Production Timeline
October 2022 – June 2023
January 2023 – May 2023
Production Shooting
Post Production
July 2023 – February 2024
April 2024
Επεισόδιο 3
Άνθρωπος του κόσμου
Man Of The World
Besides Mikis Theodorakis’ symphonic works, music he composed for the stage and over 1,000 songs, which are included in his discography performed by Greece’s most popular singers, Mikis Theodorakis also scored the music for numerous films. Amongst them «Z»… «Serpico» and «Zorba the Greek». As a matter of course, Mikis Theodorakis’ innovative work broke the narrow boundaries of Greece, turning him into an acclaimed artist of international repute.
One of the artist’s most acclaimed opus, which will be featured in this episode, is the «Mauthausen Trilogy». One of Mikis Theodorakis’ most notable and moving works, inspired by events at the Mauthausen concentration camp.
The master’s celebrated opus, also known as «The Ballad of Mauthausen», comprises a cycle of four arias with lyrics based on poems written by Greek poet Iakovos Kambanellis. Α Mauthausen concentration camp survivor, and it reflects the poet’s own experience at the concentration camp. Τhe «Mauthausen Trilogy» had such an impact on the international stage that in 1973 the opus was performed by Joan Baez and several Israeli artists in Hebrew! *
Moreover, in this episode, the producers will explore Mikis Theodorakis’ friendship with Michalis Cacoyannis, the internationally acclaimed film director, his friendship with Hollywood’s mega-star Anthony Queen and his breathless adoration for Nikos Kazantzakis. Author of «Zorba the Greek»…
Production Timeline
October 2022 – June 2023
January 2023 – May 2023
Production Shooting
Post Production
July 2023 – February 2024
April 2024
Επεισόδιο 4
Οι δρόμοι του αρχάγγελου
The Roads of the Archangel
Besides his musical ingenuity Mikis Theodorakis is also a voluminous author. Over forty books, numerous commentaries and important papers compile the writer’s prolific efficiency in writing. Picking up a pen whenever he found a free moment, Mikis Theodorakis devoted his time investigating the musical and political events of his generation.
In the books “Music for the Masses”… “The Debt”… “The Suitors of Penelope”… “Spark for an independent and strong Greece” and “Monologues in the twilight”, to name but a few, the author evaluates the musical scene in Greece, and with tenacity, investigates the mismanagement and wrongdoings of his country’s leadership.
Undoubtedly, one of Mikis Theodorakis’ most noteworthy books is, “The Roads of the Archangel”. An autobiographical trilogy, which took the author ten years to complete. 1986-1995.
In this self-searching masterpiece, Mikis Theodorakis plunges into his past and probes into his innermost memories. He scrutinizes the events that morphed his character and evaluates the emotions that defined his musical and political direction.
Following the footsteps of his civil-servant father, Mikis Theodorakis revisited the places he had lived in as a child and fascinated by the diversity of the musical styles he had come across, he succeeded in exposing his passion and fascination for music.
Drawing inspiration from his “Universal Harmony” theorem and his belief that… “the universe is not only what we visually perceive but that it has a “pulse” from which artists can draw stimulus and creativity from, Mikis Theodorakis, undeniably, succeeded in composing some of the most remarkable opuses of our time.
Hence, in this episode, Mikis Theodorakis’ sensational journey into the mesmerizing world of music will be fully unveiled. Bringing to light untold and compelling moments of the artist’s extraordinary life.
Production Timeline
October 2022 – June 2023
January 2023 – May 2023
Production Shooting
Post Production
July 2023 – February 2024
April 2024
Επεισόδιο 5
Επαναστάτης με αιτία
A Rebel… with a cause
In this episode, the producers will seize the opportunity to probe into Mikis Theodorakis’ critical thinking as a poet and novelist. For besides his indisputable talent in music, this giant of a man was also a defiant revolutionary. A mutinous rebel. But not like James Dean. Nicolas Ray’s hero in the 1955 classic film “Rebel Without a Cause”. But rather a rebel… with a cause!
For throughout his life, Mikis Theodorakis struggled to unify his traumatized country. His mission in life had always been to utilize his music and try to heal the scars that the 1946-1949 bloodstained civil war left in the scorched ruins of his devastated country.
Moreover, the documentary will explore Mikis Theodorakis’ defiant years as a young man. When at the age of fifteen he did not hesitate to join the resistance movement. Risking his life to fight the Germans side by side with the rest of the freedom fighters. Struggling to free his country from Hitler’s oppressive army.
Subsequently, the producers will follow Mikis Theodorakis’ uncovering Karl Marx’s communist manifesto, becoming a Marxist and joining the Greek left wing political movement, EAM. The “Greek Freedom Fighters’ Movement”. Causing controversy and passionate polemic from the right wing for his decision. In his defense, the artist would later state…
“I became a communist because the communists made the first move to fight Hitler…”
Moreover, after the war, Mikis Theodorakis had the courage to confront the communist parties, fiercely accusing them for misgoverning their authority.
By the same token, the producers will document Mikis Theodorakis’ detention by the paramilitary army of the deep state, his exile to Icaria and Makronisos and record the near death experience and unrelenting torture the artist was subjected to, during his barbaric and unmerciful detention.
Inasmuch that this torturous experience haunted Mikis Theodorakis until the last day of his life, it is these painful memories that fired his rebellious nature and motivating the artist’s imagination to write poetry and compose some of his most memorable songs, opuses and symphonic musical works. Primarily, “The Song of the Missing Brother”. An opus that the artist considers to be his most notable work. Mainly because through this contemporary opera the artist tried to fulfill his most significant mission in life. Which was nonother, but to unify his country.
Production Timeline
October 2022 – June 2023
January 2023 – May 2023
Production Shooting
Post Production
July 2023 – February 2024
April 2024
Επεισόδιο 6
Η κληρονομιά
The Legacy
«Nothing is more consequential and indispensable for humankind than freedom. If you are deprived of food, if you lack knowledge, if you don’t live in comfort, you just suffer. But if you don’t have freedom, then you seize to exist. Because freedom is the right we all have to be responsible every single second of our life. Freedom is our DUTY.» Mikis Theodorakis
In these few lines, Mikis Theodorakis expresses the essence of his interminable legacy. An unfathomable ocean of musical creativity, which encompasses two distinctive elements:
• Mikis Theodorakis is the only known composer who popularized poetry and made it accessible to the masses· having scored a great number of songs, adding music to poems written by Nobel prize-winning littérateurs, in the likes of Giorgos Seferis – Nobel 1963 – Pablo Neruda – Nobel 1971 – and Odysseas Elytes – Nobel 1979.
• He is the only known composer who has created an incomparable musical school of thought, having composed internationally acclaimed symphonic and post-symphonic opuses, inspired by the harmony cast down from the cosmos. A theorem he later called, «Universal Harmony».Furthermore, he is the only artist who utilized culture and the arts to create an era of artistic political awareness, inspiring thousands of young people to confront injustice and struggle to make Greece a better place to live in.
• He campaigned like no other to bring peace between his country Greece and Turkey, the Israelis and the Palestinians and the peoples of South American countries. By composing Pablo Neruda’s tenth book of poems· Mikis Theodorakis’ epic masterpiece, «Canto General»…
These are some of the inexhaustible virtues that characterize Mikis Theodorakis. Virtues that grand him immortality and attest to the fact that he is an eminent servant of the arts and an imperishable comrade-in arms, fighting until his last breath to serve humanity’s highest ideals.
Finally, in this last episode, George Logothetis, Mikis Theodorakis’ biographer and life-long friend, having followed the artist’s footsteps for over fifty years, will submit unseen footage that has never seen the light of publicity before, and talk about the man’s modest personality and compassionate nature. Qualities, which substantiate the magnanimity and brilliant mind hiding behind the tranquil façade of this legendary phenomenon.
Production Timeline
October 2022 – June 2023
January 2023 – May 2023
Production Shooting
Post Production
July 2023 – February 2024
April 2024